Honest thoughts and convictions from a faithful member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


"Never-Ending Happiness"

I saw you there, across the room, smiling ear to ear;
your countenance was all aglow, your twinkling eyes so clear.
I soon found out you saw me, too; together we were drawn,
and ever since that special day, my love's grown on and on.

You and I were meant to be
together for eternity.
Never-ending happiness
is our eternal quest.

It wasn't long before I knew you were the only one
to make me feel as light as air; my searching days were done.
You took me near that holy place where righteous saints are lead;
you gave to me this diamond ring, and tenderly you said:


If we follow carefully God's plan for us,
even when the trials come, we will be blessed.

Today we joined as man and wife in sacred temple walls.
My prayer for us is to not forget to follow when God calls,
to seek his hand in all we do wherever we may be,
that we will both grow closer still as we raise our family.


Together we will always seek
eternal happiness.

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